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马上415了,收到maryland ece的回复,三个月前套过的教授(网申填的第一志愿)突然邮件回我。昨晚面的试,promise我催下系里面录取的事,他说很惊讶我还没被录取(感觉是有点扯)。我也查了我的网申,还是under review.

他提到到了学校看我的表现才能收我做他的学生,他说从不给来学校之前的学生RA, 说还不了解我,所以第一年的话可能没有正式的advisor,入学不能马上定下来。他现在只是帮我录取, 第一年学校会给我TA, 但TA的位置现在也不确定。今天他给我邮件的原话是:

The fellowships have most likely all been awarded. A GRA or GTA covers the tuition and includes a stipend as well. As I said, I'm not in a position to offer a GRA ahead of anyone's arrival, but there may be a chance of a GTA still being available even at this late hour. I'm cc'ing xxx (小秘) in case he wants to add/clarify/correct anything, or in case he has any updated information on your application.

小秘应该正在帮我申请TA, 但正式的录取信还没有来。明天(美国时间)就是415了,而且还是周六,我担心小秘不上班正式的offer也下不来。

大家在马里兰读书的或者和他工作过的有对这个教授了解吗,他是 Rotkowitz, miahcel C, 搞control, AP, 斯坦福phd毕业。摘了一些他网页的介绍:

Professor Michael Rotkowitz received the B.S. degree in Mathematical and Computational Science (with Honors and with Distinction) from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1996. He then worked for J.P. Morgan Investment Management, New York, until 1998. He returned to Stanford and received the Ph.D. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2005. During that time, he also received the M.S. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics and the M.S. degree in Statistics, and worked for NASA Ames Research Center.

当时申请时的愿望还是能继续把control做下去, 而且硕士期间就是这个方向,比较喜欢偏理论些的东西。现在手里有umass的offer, 已经答应了,老师是ECE计算机方向,第一年是RA。现在还不太了解马里兰的这个老师,他的网页信息太少,而且他的组非常小,他说会work very close to his student. Umass的老师是反套面试的我,他的方向更热门,networking, 大数据,非常感谢他给我offer。 当时没有其他的offer,只能从了。。

真心求大家给我些建议,我知道反悔很不好,也不知怎么做选择了现在。马里兰不确定性太多,umass去了就能做reserach。 表示还是对control很留恋,但对计算机也不抵触,毕竟上手也快, 也想在phd期间接触些新的东西。但马大的ece还是很不错的,女神校,纠结纠结。。。


补充内容 (2017-4-15 13:36):

补充内容 (2017-4-16 00:09):

补充内容 (2017-4-16 00:10):
I got in touch with the prof who heads that committee and works with xxx on the offers

补充内容 (2017-4-16 00:10):
He said that a “first round offer” isn’t going to be made, but that you were in the running for still getting an offer next week

补充内容 (2017-4-16 00:11):
(based in part on how many accept the offers which are already out there, I believe).

补充内容 (2017-4-16 00:11):