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小弟今年德国master即将7月毕业。然后5月抽中H1B。面签地点填的慕尼黑。今天无聊发邮件问了下德国使馆关于H1B面签和身份的问题。得到的回复是最好回去签,在德国签被拒是on the understanding.但是偶感觉回复是照着旅游签证的口气回复的还要证明strong tie. 所以我想问下是不是第三国面签不好,能不能不改回去,因为最近毕业必须呆着处理手续的问题,回去太折腾了

I come from China and study for a master degree program in Germany. I am
about to graduate. Also, I got H1B quota and wait for the material checking
right now. I prepare to have the visa Interview in Munich. I heard that the
H1B visa interview usually happens in September. But In my university
getting a official master degree needs to wait 4-5 months after the
graduation(the time you submit the thesis). So in September I still
might not have the official identity(neither student nor resident nor
temporary resident(1 year for finding the job), probably with
fiktionsbescheinigung for a couple of months). So my question is, does
this identity bother the interview of H1B VISA application? How am I going
to deal with this identity? I can graduate as early as the end of May.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for writing to the U.S. Visa Service Desk.

We understand that you would like to know if you can apply for a U.S. Visa in Germany.

Please be informed that an applicant has the right to apply at any Embassy or Consulate abroad. However, it may be more difficult to qualify for the visa when applying outside your own country of permanent residence. If you choose to apply in Germany it is on the understanding that you may be refused, and the application fee is non-refundable if the visa is not issued. You are expected to demonstrate strong ties to your country that you plan to return to after your visit to the US. Therefore, applicants are advised to always apply in their own country of permanent residence if possible. The decision on the issuance of the visa will be made at the time of application.