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看到地里部分同学(甚至包括部分反对ICC支持H1B改革的同学),都认为ICC没有犯法,只是道德问题。忍不住写一篇文章反驳下。 关于ICC是否违法那点。我之前也写过帖子,再强调下,之前的规定(包括最新USCIS guidline的第三条site visit重点),提交H1B申请时,必须有full-time job,并提供full time job的工作地点。合法的ICC一般会在把那个员工卖出后,才提交H1B申请,并提供那个人在第三方客户client工作的地点。但是ICC提交多份申请的(包括地里某些人同事的做法),几乎可以肯定都是造假。。具体点,在提交H1B申请时候,申请书列出那个人的工作地点是在ICC还是已经签约的Client?如果提供的是ICC的公司的地点,但那个人实际是要被卖去给client的,那么就是提交工作地点和实际地点不符合,虚假申报(也是USCIS指出实地巡查的重点)。如果提供是Client地址,ICC不可能短时间为一个人找到多个client并签约,特别是部分还没开始在ICC上班的人,(和客户签约后,就代表要让那个人去客户那里工作,如果同时把一个人签给几个客户,那不是砸ICC自己招牌)。所以那些一人多份申请的,基本都是虚构出来的project和client,工作地点也不存在 。
提供几个去年ICC违法被判刑的案例justice.gov),文章已经指出犯罪事实 The Nanda brothers recruited foreign workers with expertise who wanted to work in the U.S. They sponsored the workers’ H-1B visa with the stated purpose of working at Dibon headquarters in Carrolton, but, in fact, did not have an actual position at the time they were recruited and knew the workers would ultimately provide consulting services to third-party companies located throughout the U.S. Contrary to representations made by the conspirators to the workers (and the government), Jay and Atul Nanda directed that the workers only be paid for time spent working at a third-party company and only if the third-party company actually first paid Dibon for the workers’ services. Additionally, in Dibon’s visa paperwork, the conspirators falsely represented that the workers had full-time positions and were paid an annual salary, as required by regulation to secure the visas。

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