AD@Georgia Institute of Technology(佐治亚理工)

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在被沃顿商学院、耶鲁、芝加哥拒后来的第一封AD,还有13个学校没有消息,包括UIUC、哥大到现在也没有消息,生死未卜,希望还会有把,但是收到了佐治亚理工的统计,真心还是挺开心的,总算有一个了,给校方发邮件,回复说是一个7个人的项目,今年计划招7个新的硕士生。觉得如果这样的话至少质量会比海发的哥大好一些,但是毕竟哥大是牛校,还是希望能收到吧。祝所有人好运,收到自己希望的,也祝自己好运,希望能来个Dream School的。

附校方非正式录取邮件:Dear *******,The Graduate Committee of the School of Mathematics, and the Statistics Faculty, have now completed review of applications to our MS-STAT program. We received a record number of applications and I am happy to let you know that we recommend your admission tothe MS program in Statistics at Georgia Tech, with Mathematics as home unit. Congratulations!We are working on a formal admission letter for you, and it will need to be formally approved by the Georgia Tech office of Graduate Admissions. But, I wanted to let you know right away about this news, and that we would be delighted if you decide to come to study here.I will write more once I hear from you. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you may have about our program, university, or city.We hope that you will select us for your studies.回复我时说道:1) Our goal is an entering class of 7 new MS-STAT students housedin Mathematics.