第二个ms的opt,opt在同等学位也可以split,OPT correction

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1. OPT 同等学位,可以split,但是必须在申请的时候,学校的advisor/DSO就要在你的SEVIS opt里面提前注明你的opt日期& 你的OPT I20也要明确时间就是几个月而不是一整年。且在opt申请表格里highlight你要申请的是几个月而不是一年,一定要highlight!后文我会放出USCIS的具体法律条文。
2. OPT split很容易出错,申请修改的过程无敌糟心,所以大家最好不要尝试,除非万不得已第一个ms必须要opt。事后我咨询过律师,如果黑下来只是几个月的话,以后花点儿钱,貌似可以把这个问题解决,但我不确定.


本人背景:国内二本生物本科,2013本科毕业,今年27,四舍五入30。女。本科毕业拿到130+排名的生物phd offer,因为实在**且真心不爱生物,phd两年后quit,转成ms,拿了个生物ms.

这个时候,我决定转行,申请并且拿到了排名一般的统计ms offer。然后找第一个ms的学校,申请opt。当时只是想呆一段时间,玩一玩,决定跟生物拜拜也就压根没想搞跟生物有关的任何东西。事实证明,我申请opt就是错的。。。


[align="left"]1. In early Feb 2016: my DSO helped me apply for OPT. Since I wanted to save some of my allowed 12 months of OPT to use after my current second master’s degree, my DSO and I requested an end date of 07/01/2016.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]2. In mid-April 2016: I received EAD card but the date on the card was from 04/01/2016 to 02/08/2017, which is the maximum allotted time for OPT.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]3. In mid-April 2016: I sent EAD card and all the supporting materials back to USCIS.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]4. On 6/20/2016: USCIS sent me a letter and let me “send the EAD card to the NSC so that we make the necessary corrections”.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]5. On 8/3/2016: I received the Correspondence. It says “The EAD was produced correctly” and “USCIS is not able to produce expired EAD cards, your request cannot be granted”.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]关键点是几个月前我发现的一个帖子,这个发帖人的情况跟我可以说一模一样 mitbbs.com [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]之后我就决定,拿出来5000打官司,死活要个结果。于是就在网上疯狂发邮件给各种移民律师,多数表示不接、不了解、会输。但其中一个律师跟我说“It may be a good idea to initially attempt to resolve this by making a congressional inquiry (i.e. Contact your local Congressperson and request that they intervene on your behalf to correct this USCIS error.)"[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]事实证明,it worked.找议员得永生啊!于是我马上给议员发了邮件,当天就有receipt.过了大概一个礼拜,7月6号,议员的小秘发给我一个表格让我填。细节描述里,我发了上面的那个timeline,和下面的问题综述[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]Problems:[/align][align="left"]1. On ICE official website, inOPT Policy Guidance-ICE” ,“Policy Guidance 1004-03-update to Optional Practical Training”. In this guidance, on Page 13, 6.2, it clearly says that “The end date may be sooner if the student has less than 12 months of OPT left at the current education level or the student wishes to retain a period of OPT for pre-or post-completion OPT for another degree at the same education level.”So I don’t know why Director XXX didn’t correct my record and claimed the EAD was correct.[/align][align="left"]2. I reported the problem and did my best to fix it right away when I found the mistake.[/align][align="left"]3. I know USCIS can’t produce expired EAD cards but I just want to get my SEVIS record corrected so that I can use the rest of the time after my current master’s degree. Otherwise, I even can’t have the chance to look for the job after graduation.[/align][align="left"]
[align="left"]Dear XX XXXX:[/align][align="left"]I just received the following email from USCIS--it looks like the problem should be fixed![/align]
[align="left"]Good afternoon XXXX,[/align]
[align="left"]Thank you for your inquiry on behalf of your constituent, Ms. XXXX, regarding the error on her Employment Authorization Document.[/align]
[align="left"]U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) records confirm that your constituent’s application has been re-approved with the correct validity dates of 04/13/2016 – 07/01/2016. Since the card’s validity has expired, your constituent will not be issued a new card. Her SEVIS record should automatically update to reflect the corrected dates. If the record does not update within the week, please have your constituent work with her DSO to contact the SEVP Help Desk for assistance.[/align]
[align="left"]We hope the information provided is helpful. If we may be of assistance in the future, please let us know.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]以上。 讲完了。其实写这个邮件的时候,我还是得意忘形的。。。18号收到通知的下午,吃chick fil a还把信用卡还掉了,事后回忆应该是随着餐盘里的垃圾一起扔垃圾桶里了。。。[/align][align="left"]
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