------ [Amazon校招] [New Grad SDE and SDE Intern] [提供指导 + 进度可查询] ------

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如果您满足以下条件请发送Email至: [email protected]
"主题" 请按照以下格式: [校招 Full-Time] Your name 或者 [校招 Intern] Your name

请不要用同一份简历, 找多人内推, Amazon 系统会查重.

1. 本科, 硕士, 博士在校学生.
2. 内推时间距离毕业时间小于6个月.
3. 并且满足以下要求:
[align="left"] Full-Time SDE Role Basic Qualifications:[/align]
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related technical discipline
  • Pursuing or have received a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related technical discipline
[align="left"] Intern SDE Role Basic Qualifications:[/align]
  • Currently enrolled in a Computer Science/Computer Engineering program (or related technical discipline) with at least one term to finish after the completion of the Amazon Internship
  • Experience with object-oriented design and coding skills (C/C++ and/or Java)

1. 尽量会在一天内回复, 三天内如果还没有收到 Amazon 的官方确认信, 请私信我或者再发邮件给我.
2. 2017年8月底 HR 就会开始发 OA 了, 到时候我会随时跟进状态, 第一时间 Update.
3. 这波可选的入职时间: 2017年8月 ~ 2018年7月, 具体时间 HR 会与你具体协调

补充内容 (2017-8-12 13:33):
请各位在邮件中注明自己的 1. First Name, 2. Last Name, 3. 居住地址, 3. Phone Number, 4. Email, 5. (预计)毕业时间.

补充内容 (2017-8-15 15:55):
不要在邮件中添加任何压缩文件(如 .zip .rar 等等),内推需要且仅需要简历。

补充内容 (2017-8-25 03:55):
[已经有同学收到官方发出的拒信了] 今年 Amazon 招聘收紧, 往年new grad 是不拒简历的, 今年简历不过关就直接发拒信了. 所以在投递之前请把简历改好, 祝好运.

补充内容 (2017-8-30 12:07):
[简历请一定改好再上传] 目前被拒简历的, 是因为没有通过扫描. 具体怎么增加通过扫描的概率, 地里有帖子教. 说一点, 不要直接把申请学校时候的 CV 稍作修改就拿出去投, 两者差异很大, 尽可能消灭和 CS 无关的内容.

补充内容 (2017-9-6 09:41):
如果以前有申请过任何 Amazon 的任何职位, 都请在邮件中注明! 目前有同学去年申请过 Intern, 内推之后收不到账号.

补充内容 (2017-9-7 15:50):
这周 Amazon 已经开始发 OA 了, 没有收到的同学也请耐心等待, 请大家密切关注面经版!

补充内容 (2017-9-21 08:20):
[校招内推系统坏了] HR 回复目前正在紧急抢修系统, 校招暂时不能正常内推. 如果有疑问, 请把 AmazonUniversity Dashboard 的截图(截图请包括你的邮箱)回复到我们之前联系的 email thread.

补充内容 (2017-9-26 10:06):
1. 现在内推系统已经恢复了, 内推继续. 2. FT很多人拿到OA了, Intern应该还要等等.

补充内容 (2017-10-13 03:50):
本季 Full-Time SDE (513107) 的内推链接已经关闭, 不再接受新的内推. 详细信息请参考下方置顶楼层. 正在进行中的 OA 和 onsite 应该都不受影响, Intern SDE 内推不受影响.
  • 40
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以下是停止内推 FT announcement 的原文, Intern 不受影响.

SDE University Referrals (SDE only has the two referral reqs seen below)

Full-Time SDE Role Basic Qualifications:

***University Recruiting has completed our sourcing needs for the 2017-2018 full-time SDEI hiring season***

We greatly appreciate your passion for submitting referrals and we've had an excellent recruiting season as a result. You can check this page for any updates for next season. Additionally, we are certainly still actively recruiting interns, so please continue to send those our way.

下面是和 HR 的对话:

- Will you terminate all ongoing OA or onsite interviews?
- We are still reviewing all results.

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理论上讲是不行了, 你应该是属于2016年的 University Program Candidate.

A university candidate is defined as anyone currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD program or has graduated within the last 6 months, inclusive of part-time and executive MBA programs. After that time period, candidates are considered industry candidates. (Exception: Any Bachelor’s candidate (does NOT include Master’s) with greater than 3 years of relevant industry work experience. Internships, part-time work, post-docs, and research do not qualify as relevant industry work experience.)
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有的, Job Description 如下
Applied Scientist:
Basic Qualifications:
  • Ph.D. degree underway in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Machine Learning, or related field.
  • Ability to code with an object oriented language
  • Ability to develop system prototypes
  • Experience with mathematical libraries
  • Understanding of model evaluation techniques, and performance and optimality tradeoffs.
Research Scientist:
Basic Qualifications:
  • Ph.D. in Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Computer Science, or similar technical field.
  • Mastery of statistics and probability, particularly their application in systems analysis and operations research.
  • Fluency in at least one programming or scripting language (Python, Java, C, C++, etc).
  • Experience with SQL and Statistical/mathematical programming software packages (R, SPSS, CPLEX,LONDO or Xpress etc).
  • Good problem solving and data analysis skills.
Business Intelligence Engineer:
Basic Qualifications:
  • Master’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, or in a field of experimental science.
  • Theory and practice of Design of Experiments and statistical analysis of results.
  • Experience using operations research techniques for solution optimization and continuous process improvement.
  • Programming skills sufficient to extract, transform, and clean large (multi-TB) data sets in a Unix/Linux environment.
  • Proficiency in a statistics package such as SPSS, SAS, S-PLUS, or R.