紧急求助地里,关于Cap-Gap和24 STEM Extension的问题T_T

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地里的同志们大家好,有一点关于OPT EXTENSION的紧急情况想要咨询一下大家。 {:4_106:}

去年毕业了以后在一家start up 工作,opt开始是去年7月3号,然后今年四月抽中了h1b,所以就向学校申请了Cap-Gap 的I-20.
因为之前公司不是E-verify的,所以当时4月就没想着要申请24个月的Opt extension,也是因为恰好抽中了, 然后公司为今年没有抽中h1b的同事大概5月加入了Everify,我在6月底得知了这件事。
后来每天都在刷新h1b的case,感觉今年的h1b情况不容客观,所以准备申请一下extension来双保险。 期间准备材料,填表,学校批extension 的I-20花了一点时间, extension的批复日期7月20,所以就是处于在cap-gap期间申请了 24-month OPT extension。

学校的网站上明确写了cap-gap期间可以申请OPT extension, USCIS的网站上也写了, 我查了好几个地方包括中文的网站,都是说cap-gap期间可以申请opt extension的, 顺便贴一下link。
ALERT: Although F-1 nonimmigrant students with degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) may now apply for a uscis.gov of their post-completion OPT employment authorization, our policies regarding the Cap-Gap extension remain the same. Any F-1 student with a timely filed H-1B petition and request for change of status will be allowed to extend the duration of F-1 status and any current employment authorization until the first day of the new fiscal year.
Can a student apply for a STEM Extension when he/she is within the Cap-Gap OPT Extension?[align="left"]Yes. A student can apply for the STEM Extension during the Cap-Gap Extension of OPT. The student will need to have his or her employer request withdrawal of the approved or pending H-1B petition in time for USCIS to effectively accept the withdrawal prior to the October 1 start date in order to avoid changing status to H-1B on that date. To avoid a denial based on the scheduled expiration of Post-Completion OPT, a student should include mention (and supporting evidence) of his/her Cap-Gap OPT Extension when filing during the Cap-Gap period.[/align]

然后我今天问律师关于我的h1b和这个问题的时候,他告诉我我的OPT extension不合法,因为我没有在原本的7月3号以前拿到,
所以我的24 month OPT extension会被拒绝, 而且我在10月1号以后也不能工作了。 我想问一下地里的小伙伴有没有跟我一样在Cap-Gap期间申请extension成功的啊? {:4_112:}
还有我在Extension pending期间,还能不能有效180天工作? 是不是10月1号以后只能在家窝着等h1b或者opt的消息了? T_T 好心塞,简直晴天霹雳。。。。

update: 好吧,律师又说可以工作了,说我的opt extension申请没有问题。。。 律师是戏精。。。