RFE 但是不清楚理由是Specialty Occupation还是Level 1 Wage

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楼主是在麻州某药厂工作的统计师 去年硕士毕业 Biostatistics专业
第二页的Header写着 E38 Specialty Occupation

另起一段解释了什么是Speciaty Occupation以及统计师在这个行业需要达到的要求。
然后根据我提供的文件 信中说 Accordingly, a range of educational credentials, including those less than a bachelor's degree may qualify an individual to perform
the duties of a Statistician. On your LCA, you have designated the proffered position as Level I wage (the lowest of the four assignable wage levels)

然后扔出来了Level 1 Wage的定义
最后说 you indicate that the proffered position is an entry level position of a comparatively low level relative to other positions within the occupation.
Given the OOH's guidance that some positions within this occupational category do not normally require a bachelor's or higher degree in a specific specialty
as a minimum requirement, it does not appear that an entry level would have such a requirement.
好吧 我晕了 所以我的问题出自Level 1 Wage上边还是信中第二页左上角的加粗字写着 Specialty Occupation?
