H1B RFE Specialty Occupation + Beneficiary Qualifications 网上状态 Approved

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[align="left"]5/9 发邮件通知抽中[/align][align="left"]5/19 网上状态变为RFEdue 8/11[/align][align="left"]8/10 律师通知已寄出RFE 回复[/align][align="left"]8/19 网上状态变为RFE Response Received[/align][align="left"]9/27 网上状态变为Case was Approved[/align]

Industrial Enginnering 转行 Software Engineering
OPT 12个月期间挂靠学校图书馆三个月。
OPT Ext 被RFE质疑工作与专业不符,具体看 1point3acres.com
去年 8 月回国面签 OPT 签证,具体看 1point3acres.com
最近一年三次使用 OPT 身份出入境。
  • 两次未主动出示 EAD 卡直接过;
  • 一次主动出示 EAD 被扔到后台二次检查 SEVIS (所以OPT入境别主动出示EAD,问啥就说啥;没问就别主动说。)

H1B 激活方式是是Consular Processing,未选 Change of Status

自己准备材料的Checklist,律师又给我加了些啥我就不知道了…没搞专家信(不知道哪里搞 & 跟学校老师 N 年没联系了……),没找课程认证机构。
Specialty Occupation
1. Detailed Current Job Description
; Detailed job description with % breakdown (列了 5 个大项,表格形式,每个大项下面再写具体的bullet)
2. Current Resume
3. Present and past job postings for the same position (公司网站的 Software Job Posting,扒了 10 个转成 pdf,左下角网址保留。红框标出所有的 Bachalor Degree Required)
; Showing a bachelor’s degree in a specific field of study is normally the minimum requirement for entry into this position.
4. Job postings/ads in parallel positions among similar organizations (FLAG等公司网站的 Software Job Posting,扒了 10 个转成 pdf ,左下角网址保留。红框标出所有的 Bachalor Degree Required)
; Showing a bachelor’s degree in a specific field of study is normally the minimum requirement for entry into parallel positions among similar organizations
5. Public software product documentations the beneficiary’s team working on (组内产品放在 github 上的公开 docs,全部扒下来转成 pdf 。)
; Showing the nature of the beneficiary’s duties are so specialized and complex that the knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with the attainment of a bachelor or higher degree

Beneficiary Qualifications
6. Bachelor Degree Transcript_XXX University (Chinese and English)
7. Bachelor Degree Courses Related to Current Position
; Explaining beneficiary’s education are directly related to and required by the current position 链接:https://www.dropbox.com/s/irfuxwphvpxovxj/07_WANG%2C%20Yuwei_Bachelor%20Degree%20Courses%20Related%20to%20Beneficiary%E2%80%99s%20Position.docx?dl=0
课程描述网上搜索其它学校的类似课程(我也很想找原课程的介绍但国内学校没有啊);为什么专业能够胜任工作自己根据 Detailed Current Job Description 写。所有 STEM 相关的课程都写上
i. Appendix A: Homework of Object-Oriented Programming 2-1 有编程作业的把当年的作业带上,没有编程作业的把自己以前写的算法题当作作业附上
ii. Appendix B: Homework of Object-Oriented Programming 2-2 有编程作业的把当年的作业带上,没有编程作业的把自己以前写的算法题当作作业附上
8. Master Degree Transcript (English)
9. Master Degree Courses Related to Current Position 学校的课程,为什么专业能够胜任工作自己根据 Detailed Current Job Description 写。所有 STEM 相关的课程都写上,格式见 7
; Explaining beneficiary’s education are directly related to and required by the current position
i. Appendix C: Homework of Analytical Methods in Transportation 有相关作业的把作业带上
ii. Appendix D: Homework of Engineering Computing 有相关作业的把作业带上
iii.Appendix E: Homework of Global Integrated Systems Engineering 有相关作业的把作业带上
10. Master Degree STEM OPT_i983 training plan i983 里有公司写的为什么我的专业能够胜任工作
; Explaining beneficiary’s knowledge and education are directly related to and required by the current position
11. Master Degree_OPT_Employment Verification and Job Description Letters from previous employer 以前申 OPT EXT 期间被RFE专业问题,把当时的 RFE 回复带上
; Job Description Letter
; Letter Explaining beneficiary’s knowledge and education are directly related to and required by the position from previous employer


补充内容 (2018-2-7 07:00):
上面的Dropbox link 挂了。补一个google drive的:drive.google.com
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