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这两天从学校回家过寒假了,之间在亲戚家呆了两天一直没有上网。昨天打开邮箱收到了Purdue CS的offer(2月2号发出的)。大概情况如下:: E% q( M/ t3 L! b# H5 Z) W
Dear **,
are pleased to inform you that Professor ** offers you a research assistantship for the first year. He believes your qualifications and interests are coincident with current projects under his direction. As mentioned in the offer
below, the offer is renewable beyond the first year so this is NOT just a one-year-only offer!
Your total award package from Purdue University is worth approximately $43,748 that includes salary, tuition, and medical insurance supplement for the first year.
This offer is valid until 15 April, 2010 but we would very much appreciate an earlier response. Please reply to our electronic offer to accept. Please read carefully the attached material that entails detailed information about our offer including the resolution of the Council of Graduate Schools.
Purdue is a top research university and has a stimulating atmosphere with students and faculty from over 125 different countries. Congratulations on your outstanding academic record and your selection from a large group of candidates! We look forward to your joining our program. 1 r% [) i1 m. X
Details and Conditions of Assistantship:
You are offered (effective upon your admission by the Graduate School) a half-time (20 hours per week) assistantship for the academic year (fall and spring semester) beginning Monday, 16 August 2010 and ending Sunday, 15 May 2011. Your pay for this period will total $16,146. The assistantship is renewable subject to performance and fund availability.
Tuition is waived as a benefit of your employment. However, you will be responsible for the payment of fees. Currently international graduate assistants pay about $744 per semester: 5 F4 v9 F) [3 h r
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You will be automatically enrolled in the Graduate Student Staff Health Plan when your employment begins. The Graduate School plans to provide a medical insurance supplement. Currently students pay about $320 per year. Information on Purdue's graduate health insurance can be found here:
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上面是小米来信的主要信息,应该算是offer吧,不过我的申请状态还是recommended by ** program, 等待研究生院的确认。其中有几点不明请高手指教。我的理解是第一年一共给$43,748,以后根据情况有所变化(那会不会以后不给或给的少啊?),其中秋季和春季两个学期的学费一共是$16,146(这是第一个疑问,我记得网上说purdue的学费是一年2万2千刀),医疗保险$320每年(第二个疑问,记得论坛上有人说过那边的医疗保险大约是每年2000刀),每学期交$744的收入税。不知道我理解的是否正确,一般情况下还有别的钱要交吗?5 M) ]! @9 ]3 h; l* b& b- S( K
最后一个疑问:小米紧接着又发来邮件说Professor ** is also willing to support you during the summer session of 2010.这是什么意思?offer中不是说奖学金就是从今年8月15日开始的吗,之前我还没去呢,也会给我钱吗?莫非是希望我提前入学?