CMU MISM 21-month track 最新消息,希望加精!

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以下信息是来自2010年CMU 21-month track一位师兄,在此对他的贡献表示无限感激{:4_112:}

Q: 其实我最关心的就是国际生就业的问题,特别是21-month track的,因为在官网上搜索不到相关信息。而其他项目貌似在2011年就业的去向就是IT业。我想请教一下师兄您,21-month track 2011年毕业就业情况是如何呢?Internship难不难找(是否有工资),一般是什么企业居多,It,金融,咨询,或者其他企业? Internship是否被美国主流企业认可?
A:准确的说我们是第一届,之前globalmism只有一两个人。就业我们要和12month的竞争,但是就目前情况我们的就业情况应该和16的差不多。internship确实不好找,澳洲人比较排外,不太认识cmu。主要是it, 金融it和it咨询就业方向。我自己感觉internship有没有价值虽然与在哪里做有关系,但是更和做了什么有关系。项目有19,中国14人,美国3,印度1,加拿大1.

Q: 其次就是项目的情况。整个项目(21-month track)的人数有多少,中国人,印度人,美国人,澳洲人分别占的比例?日常用英文交流social的机会?听闻在adelaide只有一栋建筑楼,还是和其他学校share,那么上课啊,自习,图书馆等会不会不方便等等。


Q: 师资力量与pittsburgh差别多不多呢?个人希望培养CS方面的能力但不想以coding为生。请问这与CS在就业上或者岗位有什么区别呢!去做quant,consultant或者其他企业做project manager的机会多不多?

A:heinz是policy起家的,不管是public policy还是it policy。更强调管理和策略。学科设置很均衡。培养cs方面的能力到了Pittsburgh之后可以多选计算机的课程

A:没听说有做quant的,咨询中国学生也不是特别多,有做金融it,纯it和business analyst的。project manager如果之前没经验,很难一进去就做pm



A:我现在拿到手的是一个ngo的系统设计,3个月的时间,设计客户管理,预订和app开发,有一个现在已经在一个公司做兼职,假期就在那里实习,工资7200 AU$一个月,其他有在国内找到的




A:对,学校至少会提供给你一个实习机会,澳洲这边人少,每个人都可以随时见program director,商量这些问题。现在5月份要实习的人不超过25个,学校拿在手里的项目能放50个人。








A:一般也没啥希望,反而小公司可能因为你的某项能力而招你,这边安永实习要雅思4个8,ibm和google一般的都不要实习生,一个同学投了google au,秒拒了!

Ron Delfine, Director of Heinz Career Services in Pittsburgh 发过来关于21m-track 就业等问题的官方答复

The MISM's Global track gives the program the opportunity to offer admission to more highly qualified students and to raise our enrollment numbers in order to satisfy the demand for MISM graduates worldwide. The Global track has been created to address the needs of employers interested in hiring a more globalized group of graduates. The Heinz College and the MISM program are in a unique position to offer students a distinct skills set and the global perspective gained from studying at a top tier IT and management program on two continents. Our Global track students will have access to multiple job markets, and will receive support for their internship and job searches from the

Unlike students in the 12 and 16 month programs in the US, students in the Global MISM program have career support from Career Services staff in both Adelaide AND Pittsburgh. Career Services staff members on both campuses have been, and continue to collaborate to identify viable internship employers from Global MISM students. Both Ron Delfine, Director of Heinz Career Services in Pittsburgh and Susan Timko, Associate Director of MISM Career Services, from the Pittsburgh campus have traveled to Adelaide to provide career related workshop to MISM students and to meet with potential internship employers, alongside the Career Services staff members in Adelaide. We are starting to see results from these employer meetings.

Several Global MISM students have received internships offer with organizations in Australia and China, including Citibank and YourAmigo, with additional organizations, including companies in Singapore, just starting the interviewing process with Global MISMs.

04/03/2012 最新回复

I cannot speak to your concerns outside of career services, but I can address your third concern regarding internships and employment.

It is not an easy task for ANY of our students to find employment in the U.S., regardless of if they are in the 12, 16 or 21 month MISM track. It takes effort and patience. However, our career services offices in both Pittsburgh and Adelaide will work with you to prepare you for both your internship search, which will take place outside of the U.S., as well as you full-time search which may take place globally, depending on your interests. At this point, we do not have data on the 21 month track because it is new, but we do know that some of our students in that track have already received great internship offers and others are current interviewing for internships.

It’s been my experience that students with good internships, academic projects and/or full-time work experience, coupled with the coursework and project work the MISM degree provides, will give most students the skills necessary to conduct a successful employment search. I do not think that there will be any negative distinction between students in the 16 and 21 month programs. In fact, some MISM students in the 16 month MISM track have completed internships outside of the US and have been successful in securing full-time positions within the US.

Once you come to the Pittsburgh campus, you will be able to compete for full-time opportunities on an equal level with the students in the others tracks. Keep in mind there is no guarantee that a student from any our programs will receive employment here in the US, but all of our students will receive the same resources and opportunities for success.

MISM students may take graduate-level Computer Science or Tepper School coursework during their third and fourth semesters in Pittsburgh. There is no limit to the number of graduate general electives you take in the MISM program however the Tepper School limits non-Tepper students to only four classes. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

希望大家能够提供更多资料充实关于MISM 21month track的信息,造福后人!
如果有什么问题,请尽快在帖子中发言,我再反馈到MISM 21month track在读师长中帮忙寻求解答!
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