求大神赐教 (感激不尽)- 阅读机经200的172和180

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Passage 180
Data of modern and historic peasant communities suggest that individuals and communitiesspecialize in ceramic production for trade primarily to offset subsistence shortfalls arising frominadequate or insufficient agricultural land. Harry investigated whether this correlation ofceramic specialization with agricultural marginality occurred among prehistoric inhabitants ofthe American Southwest. At Arizona’s West Branch site, occupied A. D. 900-1100, abundantpottery manufacturing materials suggest villagewide ceramic production in excess of thatneeded for household purposes.

1. The final sentence of the passage primarily serves to do which of following
A. cite a particular factor that may have influence the decision to settle the West Branch site
B. identify a possible reason why the inhabitants of the West Branch site may have specializedin the manufacture of ceramics
C. suggest that inhabitants of the West Branch site may have had agricultural surpluses to usefor trade with other settlements in the region
D. present evidence to support a claim that the West Branch site was not a pottery consumingsettlementE. cite one reason to doubt that the ceramic specialization at the West Branch site served tooffset subsistence shortfalls


Passage 172
This passage discusses Mionan buildings constructed during the Bronze Age on the GreekIsland of Crete.
Although the term “Palace” is widely used and deeply ingrained in Minoan archaeology,Driesen has marked that term has been used to describe a number of quite different thingsand that there is no consensus on what the term signifies. The debate usually centers on thepresumed functions of the building. Evans assumes that the building known as Places hasseveral roles, including royal residences, administrative centers, economic centers,manufacturing centers, and cult centers. Over the years, each of those functions has beencalled into questions. For example, Schoep notes, “The use of the term Place carries with it awhole host of perhaps unhelpful baggage, which consciously or unconsciously encouragesinterpretation of the “Palace” as the residence of a royal elite, occupying supreme positionwithin a hierarchical social and political structure”, she suggests using the more neutral term“court-centered building” instead. The problem, however, come not from the architectural label one applies, but from making unwarranted assumptions about how the Palaces were used.
I use the word “Palaces” (capitalized to signal its arbitrariness) not to imply a range of functions but to refer to a group of buildings that share a set of formal elements.

3. The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about the use ofthe term “Palace” in Minoan archaeology
A. It is useful largely as a matter of convention
B. It should be replaced by a more neutral term
C. It is the correct term for most of the Minoan buildings to which it has been applied.
D. It has only recently become popular among archaeologists.
E. It has been used to describe buildings that are formally dissimilar to one another.

答案:e难道是palaces 和palace不同? 文中没看出Minoan archaeology是similar 还是dissimilar呀?请大神点题,也欢迎各小伙伴参与讨论!