Dream School is Dream School~~ 4/2Update: 已决定从 UR!

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本科光电,申请Audio Signal Processing真心难,N拒直到今天才有了第一个降级录取。
不过今年的形势再加上EE隔方向如隔山,可以说能降级录取我都已经很满意了,何况是我的Dream School的录取。

大家尽情Cong我吧~{:7_195:} 终于有书读了,感谢地里所有支持过我的XDJM!!
不管是AD还是Rej, 我都喜欢把邮件贴上来,如下:~~

Dear Applicant,

Based on the strength of your application and recommendations from my other faculty colleagues, we would like of offer you admission to our ECE M.S. program with a 35% tuition waiver/financial aid package - congratulations!

I do fully realize that you applied to our Ph.D. program. However, due to our small size, we are only able to select a small number of PhD applicants each year. This selection is as much a function of interest match between faulty members and the applicant as it is a function of academic excellence of the applicant.

We are offering you M.S .admission in case you are still interested in pursuing graduate studies in Rochester. While you are here, there is the chance to pursue further opportunities. Please note, however, that while you are here, this admission to the M.S. program is by no means a promise for admission to the Ph.D. program. Unfortunately, this is the best we can do at this time.

I hope that you will favorably consider our offer. The committee was impressed by your credentials, but again, we are only able to offer you admission to the M.S. program at this point in time.

Please respond with an email message to XX if you are interested in MS admission and she will begin the necessary paperwork for admission. Once we know your decision to accept or decline or MS offer, we can move forward writing up an Official Offer Letter and being admission process which includes I-20 processing, Housing, and Health Insurance information.

Congratulations again, and I am looking forward to seeing you in late August.


真心以为今年要不出去,都已经开始准备GAP再战了,天天在地里泡许久都水进神农榜了啊。。。God knows my piety! {:7_219:}


实在太喜欢UR的人文环境了,以后有空能在Kodak Hall听Concert,去the Music Research Lab做Project,这个其他学校给不了。
UR对于热爱音乐的我一直就是心中的Dream School,也是我一开始想出国的目标。这两天反复审视自己,确定了这确实是我所想要去的地方,便决定从了UR。
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