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We are working on a new processor, techium 5, which is going to replace the old Techium 4. Techium 5 has new ISA with more registers, which

1. Reduces the number of memory instructions by 50 %
2. While increasing the number of simple ALU instructions by 10%

Additionally, Techium 4 has a clock frequency of 2GHzm while Techium 5 uses 3GHz.
The two processors have the same average CPI for each type of instruction—
1 CPI for simple ALU, 3 CPI for memory
2 CPI for all other instructions
A professor mostly runs a project grading script grading script on this laptop. A run of this script, with the Techium 4 processor, resulting in executing 50 billion simple ALU instructions, 10 billion memory instructions, and 40 billion other instructions.

How long does this script run on Techium 4?
How long does this script run on Techium 5