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今天刷邮箱,看见一个中国教授的email,来自U of Kansas的,(他好多语法错误啊,我把主要部分贴上)
I am very interested in getting you here. But
one person feels that some of your scores
are low. I need to make a some more arguments.
But before that I would like to know if you are interested
in coming here at all since we are quite strong in applied
probability ( personally I also do some statistics of
stochastic processes and mathematical finance). You
can take a look at my website or our department
website to find out what are my research subjects and
that of my group, or our department.

In any case, I will try to push you through. You may get the
news soon or it may take a while. I would suggest you
to check email at least once a day or once two days
even during the break.

然后我真的无语了,我整篇PS写的都是mathematics education,因为我懒得改很多,虽然报的是KU的数学学院,但是我看见他家有一个小的研究方向是数学教育,所以我把我报教育学院的文章也拿来用。当初报KU也是试验性的,它家数学70多名,却要求口语24,我想肯定竞争不大,而且我怕我背景太数学了所以报了两所ME是数学学院下的一个研究方向的学校。但是教授竟然可以无视我的PS,(还嫌弃我有些分低,NND,我早就想好要读教育了我那个抽象代数和泛函分析要这么高干嘛,统计高就行了!)他列出来的他的研究兴趣实在。。。太统计了吧。。。而且还不是应用的统计是理论的概率啊随机过程啊。
