[Fall 2018] RPI ECSE Prof. Tong Zhang招EE/CE PhD

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[align="left"]大家好~我是RPI ECSE的一名博士生,我们实验室今年和明年各有一位师兄毕业,所以帮我导师发个招生帖[/align][align="left"]*****************************************************[/align][align="left"]There are 1~2 RA openings (starting Fall 2018) in Professor Tong Zhang's research group ( http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/homepages/tzhang/ ) of ECE at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA. With the focus on data storage and memory system design, his research group is deeply inter-disciplinary and very well connected to high-tech industry. Since 2002, he has graduated 16 PhDs, all of whom graduated within 4 years and are now working in leading-edge US companies (mostly in Silicon Valley). Expectations to potential candidates: Be serious and well motivated to pursue PhD; decent GPA on EE and math courses; familiar with C/C++ programming; experience on data storage, operating system, computer architecture, and FPGA are desirable but NOT required.[/align][align="left"]*****************************************************[/align][align="left"]欢迎有兴趣的同学联系张老师. 邮件主题请注明“PhD Application Fall 2018”[/align][align="left"]我们组的研究方向主要是存储和memory系统,如NAND Flash, Emerging NVM, SSD, 磁盘ECC等,细节可以参考老板页面上的Publication List,发了很多Top级的Trans如TC, TCAS, TVLSI, TMM以及存储领域顶级的会FAST等等。[/align][align="left"]以下是往届师兄发的招生贴:[/align][align="left"]1point3acres.com[/align][align="left"]1point3acres.com[/align]
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