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A mouse’s immune system generally rejects proteins different from those produced by that mouse. The immune system of a pregnant mouse does not, however, reject the mouse’s fetuses, although the fetal tissue a fetus produces as it develops typically contains many such proteins. Some scientists hypothesize that the placenta surrounding the fetus physically blocks the mother’s immune system. But others, noting that the placenta produces IDO, an enzyme that suppresses the immune system, hypothesize that IDO plays a crucial role in protecting the fetus.
In order to choose between the two hypotheses, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?
A. Whether mice sometimes produce IDO when they are not pregnant
B. Whether the immune systems of fetal mice are capable of attacking the tissue of the mother
C. Whether there are cases in which the immune system of a pregnant mouse rejects some fetuses but not others
D. Whether IDO is the only substance capable of suppressing the immune system produced by mice
E. Whether the immune systems of pregnant mice that are given a drug that inhibits IDO production subsequently reject the fetus.


Some conservationists, concerned about the rapid depletion through poachingof elephant herds in certain parts of Africa, are urging countries to which ivory is sold to ban ivory importation. This ban, they argue, would prevent ivory sellers from reaching their market, and elephant herds would have a chance to recover.
The conservationists’ recommendation as described is based on which of the following assumptions?
A. The capacity of any illegal channels that may exist for the sale of ivory in export markets cannot expand to meet demand in those markets
B. There now exist synthetic substitutes for ivory that are essentially indistinguishable from the natural product
C. Bans on imports of ivory need to be combined with intensified efforts to stop poaching in order to be effective
D. To the economies of those countries that have significant elephant herds, elephants are more valuable alive than dead
E. In some parts of Africa where poaching has depleted elephant herds, those herds are already beyond recovery


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