ASU 亚利桑那州立成绩单寄送问题

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求问各位前辈,ASU是不接受成绩单正式件的扫描版是吗?E-Scrip, Parchment, and National Student Clearinghouse transcripts这些似乎国内都不支持 所以是必须要邮寄过去?东西都准备好要交申请了才看到这个也是要被自己蠢哭了。。。然后如果有前辈寄过的话 大概要多久?

The following application materials must be submitted directly to Graduate Admission Services:

If your institution sends electronic official transcripts, we accept the following electronic transcript services: E-Scrip, Parchment, Credentials Inc., and National Student Clearinghouse. All E-Scrip, Parchment, and National Student Clearinghouse transcripts must be sent directly to from those transcript services or from the institutions that use those services. If you can and choose to use these services, you should apply online to the ASU Graduate Admission Services application prior to having your official e-transcripts sent.

If your institution does not use one of those transcript services, you will need to mail an official transcript. Your six digit application ID should be on the transcript envelope if possible.
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