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申硕,OSU的一个中国assosiate professor,套磁被反套,九月份在国际会议上面套聊得不错,说过“我会给你争取RA的,如果你有更好的offer了记得早点告诉我”。听学长说这个教授这几年一直都在很积极地招学生。
他们家11.30DDL,文书要求很不一ma样fan,要research statement,于是我就问了他的研究兴趣,选了一样深入地写了两三页交上去,谈了很多自己的想法,发给他看,他说很不错。
Dear Perspective Student, (perspective.........hh)
Thank you very much for your interest in working with me for your graduate studies at OSU. You receive this email because you are one of the top candidates among 30+ applicants I received this year. Your application is currently under serious considerations for admission and funding. To help me better evaluate your research potential, I would like to ask you to provide some written answers to the following two questions. Please note that this request is totally voluntary and you may decline it if you are too busy or you are no longer interested in working with me. If you would like to respond to my request, please email me ([email protected]) your written answers no later than January 1, 2018. I appreciate your time in this important request as your responses will greatly help me in the decision making process.
Question 1: Please write your thoughts after reading the three journal articles below (1-3). In your writing, you should start with summarizing the technical issues, then compare the three papers for the merits and limitations of their methods, and finally propose new techniques to address the limitations or discuss potential directions for future work
Question 2: Please write a review report to the attached manuscript. If you don’t know how to review a manuscript for a journal, xxxx.....
Let me know if you have any questions or need clarifications. Please reply to confirm you received this email and indicate if you are willing to respond to my request. Many thanks.
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