Receipt Notice I797C被邮局送回USCIS的正确处理+OPT Timeline

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首次申请OPT, 号段YSC189003****, 收到短信和email from lockbox 告知received on 11/3/2017, 随后注册了case status online account

12/1/2017 Notice was returned to USCIS because the post office could not deliver it.

12/3/2017 登陆case status online account 得知这一令人气愤的消息,怒而提交 e-request on a new copy of I-797C,随后收到系统自动回复的确认信并说30天内回复。

12/7/2017 收到来自Potomac center的邮件回复,基本是重复已知的信息,除了下面这段话,非常有营养划重点:
To obtain a copy of your receipt notice, please send a request to Please ensure you provide the receipt number of the Form I-765 and your most recent address.
Please be sure you are registered to receive mail at the address listed on your application. Your name must be physically placed on the mailbox. Keep the U.S. Postal Service informed as to who resides at your address, especially when people with different last names receive mail at a specified address. This and failure to submit address changes are the two main reasons mail is returned to us as undeliverable.

隧意气风发给 发了邮件陈述一下我的receipt被送回去啦,你们再给我发一份这个事实。
随后在住了2年的公寓邮箱里贴了白纸黑字的full name tag,除非邮递员瞎,否则不会看不到。去了趟给这片地区送信的邮局,用不卑不亢的口气告诉他们下次别把我的信送回去了,有气也要忍着不能发,万一报复我收不到EAD咋办,当时心里是这样想的。然后登陆USPS 官网注册informed delivery服务。
1/5/2018 咦 过了一年{:4_113:} lockbox 的某个officer回复我,并确认我在I-765填写的地址是没有问题哒,会再给我发一份新的receipt的,10-15天以内就会收到。
1/12/2018 这一天滂沱大雨,邮递员不辞辛劳把我等了很久的I-797C 顶着大雨塞进了我的邮箱,拿出来已经完全湿透了,这很好。总算收到了纸质receipt, 可以走出美国了耶。

今天是我的OPT after received的第75天, 已经跟employer推迟开工日期,请快快制卡,翘首期盼会有更新。。。


补充内容 (2018-1-19 05:45):
1/18/2018 雇主打电话说不愿意等了,原定1/16/2018开始上班,理由是活堆积如山却没人干等不了了。我擦,那你们继续雇人去好了。平常心看待这种事情吧,move on. 祈祷OPT快点制卡!
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