Tufts CS AD

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今天一大早收到了Tufts CS部门manager的邮件,说:
I am delighted to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to our MS program in the Department of Computer Science at Tufts University! You should hear from the Office of Graduate Admissions soon. I hope you are as excited about coming to Tufts as we are to have you come.
Again, I congratulate you on your accomplishments and your admission here, and we hope that you will decide to join us here in September 2018. We realize that most applicants with your qualifications get many offers of admission, and in most cases it is not easy to make a choice.
感觉应该是录了吧{:4_113:} 这个学校申的是真赤激,我一月份才决定申他家的CS,结果一看ddl是12.15就放弃了。结果一月初他家来了一封邮件说他们ddl延迟到1.25,然后我就想那就申吧,结果还真要了我哈哈。转专业成功了,终于挤进cs大军。最后还是等一波加州梦校,并且也祝各位offer多多,好运连连!{:4_100:}