CMU MISM BIDA kira面试整理

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CMU MISM BIDA kira面试整理

1. 为什么在这个时间点选择读研究生 movitiation

2. 除了学校和工作,你dedicate大部分时间to?这对你在Heinz的学习有什么帮助?

3. tell me an interesting thing about you which isn't shown on the application

4. 描述一下你期待的工作或职业生涯

5. 你最想和哪两个人吃饭,以前的或现在的?

6. 为了申请这个项目,你在专业上做了哪些努力?(example)

7. 你为什么对于你想要申请项目相关的industry感兴趣?

8. what’s your motivation to apply?

10. why do you like heinz college?

11. 有个学生不尊重老师你会怎么处理这个情况?

12. 在团队工作中遇到困难

13. Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement

14. tell us a project that failed

15. 描述一次你在团队活动中帮助队友的经历 project中

16. 描述一次在团队活动中队友帮助你的经历 project中

18. describe a situation where you build motivation among coworkers or peers.

19. Describe the most important accomplishment

21. tell us a time that you have to make an important decision quickly

22. 描述一个面临很多选择要比较advantage和disadvantage的情况。

23. 描述一个从unique的perspective来解决问题的经历。
20. share an experience when you solve a problem in an innovative way.
17. Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem
31. Tell us the most innovative idea you have got.

24. 道德困境,最后你的诚实战胜了还是屈服了

25. 说一个你在项目中需要进行其中某一部分进行提升的经历

26. 怎样达成consensus

30. do you once have any innovative or creative ideas

32. 如果不考虑任何因素,给你一天时间,你会怎么度过这一天.

33. Tell us about your first paid job and what you have learned from it.
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