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cs phd 第一年是TA,但是已经联系好老师,第二年开始RA,6 19 面签也提供了老师CV,被check
今天收到邮件让补充材料,老师让我先写个draft letter
We further processed your application and need the following additional information:

Please provide the U.S. Consulate in Shenyang with the following information:

A letter from U.S. advisor that 1) explains goals of applicant's research and any practical applications; 2) identifies the lab or center in which research will take place; 3) states sources and amounts of any U.S. government money (or funding from U.S. corporations assisting the U.S. government) to be used to support that research; and 4) describes any export-controlled technology and/or information that will be shared with applicant.

All materials should be scanned and then emailed to the U.S. Consulate in Shenyang.

Please send this to us by email as soon as possible and reply your E-mal upon this E-mail and the same subject.
