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Student: Hi, um..., I really hope you can help me.
Librarian: That’s why I'm here. What can I do for you?
Student: I'm supposed to do a literature review for my psychology course, but um... having a hard time finding articles. I don't even know where to start looking.
Librarian: You said this is for your psychology course, right? So your focus is on ...
Student: Dream Interpretation.
Librarian: Well, you have a focus, so that's already a good start. Hmmm... well, there're a few things... oh wait... have you checked to see if your professor put any material for you to look at on reserve?
Student: Aha, that's one thing I did know to do. I just copied an article, but I still need three more on my topic from three different journals.
Librarian: Let's get you going on looking for those then. We have printed versions of twenty psychology journals in the Reference Section. These are the ones published within the last year. Then I think about it... There's a journal named Sleep and Dream.
Student: Oh, yeah, the article I just copied is from that journal, so I've got to look at other sources.
Librarian: Ok, actually, most of our materials are available electronically now. You can access psychology databases or electronic journals and articles through the library's computers, and if you want to search by title with the word 'dream' for example, just type it in and all the articles with 'dream' in the title will come up on the screen.
Student: Cool, that's great! Too bad I cannot do this from home.
Librarian: But you can. All of the library's databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any computer connected to the university network.
Student: Really?! I can't believe I didn't know that. It still sounds like it's going to take a while though, you know, going through all of that information, all of those sources.
Librarian: Maybe, but you already narrow your search down to articles on Dream Interpretation, so it shouldn't be too bad. And you probably notice that there's an abstract or summary at the top of the first page of the article you copied. When you go into the databases and electronic sources, you have the option to display the abstracts on the computer screen, skimming those to decide whether or not you want to read the whole article should cut down some time.
Student: Right, abstracts! They'll definitely make the project more durable. I guess I should try out the electronic search while I'm still here then, you know, just in case.
Librarian: Sure, er... that computer's free over there, and I'll be here till five this afternoon.
Student: Thanks, I feel a lot better about this assignment now.
用中文来概括一下这段对话:首先Student找不到她需要的材料,因此求助Librarian。Librarian询问了focus之后首先提出教授可能会put some material on reserve,然后student说她已经做过这个了。之后librarian告诉student在哪里可以找到一些psychology journals,并指出有一本名叫Sleep and Dream的书,student说她从这本书上抄的,得换一本抄。这时候librarian提出可以从电脑上获取信息,并且告诉Student她可以从家进入图书馆的library's databases。最后Student说虽然很好但是工作量还是很大,我看她丫的也够懒的,呵呵,然后Librarian告诉她可以看摘要。好吧,我承认我写的是流水账。

解决一:教授可能会put some material on reserve
解决二:一些psychology journals,有一本名叫Sleep and Dream的书

1. Why does the student go to see the librarian?
To ask about how to look for resources for a class paper
2. What does the librarian say about the availability of journals and articles in the library?
Most of them are accessible in an electronic format
3. What does the librarian suggest the student should do to save time?
Read the summaries of the articles first
4. What can be inferred about why the woman decides to use the computer in the library?
She thinks she might need additional help from the man
5. Why does the woman say this?
She is surprised she was not aware of the information