报个三月底H1B transfer pp 6 天approval 给大家鼓鼓劲

整个过程我都很着急要跳 在职2年re-org换了4个老板。。。最后一个老板从marines 出来的那叫一个macro-management 又不懂技术又专横 堆给我的活越来越多 越来越重 越干越抑郁 3月初接了offer HR 拖拖拖3/8 把材料交给Fragoman, LCA办了快两周 28号USCIS收到之后一直没有email receipt过了有十天终于发来个case number 我上去一看 原来五天前就过了 马上就辞职了

我的情况是新offer上有一条小字 transfer不过自动作废 所以一直在纠结什么时候辞职好应该等通过再走 后来上班烦到分分钟想摔辞职信 但是receipt迟迟不来 Fragoman 说目前所有pp的email receipt都延迟了 但是不代表没有开始处理 其实receipt上我的case就是28号收到的

04-09-2018 Received H-1B Change of Employer approval notice from USCIS
04-02-2018 Received H-1B receipt notice from USCIS Premium Processing Unit
03-28-2018 Received H-1B Change of Employer proof of delivery from courier service
03-27-2018 H-1B Change of Employer petition filed with the USCIS under premium processing
03-27-2018 Received signed H-1B forms and letter from employer
03-22-2018 H-1B forms and letter sent to employer for signature
03-22-2018 Received signed certified H-1B LCA from employer
03-21-2018 Certified H-1B LCA sent to employer for signature
03-12-2018 Received confirmation H-1B LCA posted from employer
03-12-2018 H-1B LCA sent to employer for posting
03-12-2018 H-1B LCA filed with DOL