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楼主申请opt的段位是1890114, 之前没有收到receipt notice, 眼看可能快要制卡了,非常担心会因为收不到ead而耽误入职。

之前问过USCIS为什么receipt notice会被退回去,得到了如下回答: Please be sure you are registered to receive mail at the address listed on your application. Your name must be physically placed on the mailbox. Keep the U.S. Postal Service informed as to who resides at your address, especially when people with different last names receive mail at a specified address. This and failure to submit address changes are the two main reasons mail is returned to us as undeliverable. 因为本人现在是在租一个私人的房住,邮箱上应该没有我的名字,USPS可能也不知道我住在这里,所以这确实很有可能导致delivery失败。

楼主已经在USPS上注册了账户,并要求hold所有incoming mail。另外准备这周去邮局给informed delivery做身份核实。

(1)作为私人房的租客如何做到"Please be sure you are registered to receive mail at the address listed on your application. Your name must be physically placed on the mailbox. Keep the U.S. Postal Service informed as to who resides at your address, especially when people with different last names receive mail at a specified address."
(2)如果没有成功做到(1), hold所有incoming mail并选择pick up personally能不能避免邮件被退回?

楼主这周也会去邮局咨询这些问题,如果得到回复也会post到补充里,希望给申请opt的同学们提供一点帮助。大家千辛万苦拿到的offer, 希望别毁在不能收到ead上。

补充内容 (2018-4-16 14:13):
楼主已经给uscis lockbox发了邮件让重发receipt notice, 然而可能要再过10天才能收到回复。

补充内容 (2018-4-19 12:05):
最新update: 楼主今天去邮局问了,关于(1)邮局的答复是如果自己的driver license上是这个地址就可以register,不然不行。很不幸的楼主的不是。关于(2),答案是可以,但是hold request有效期只有三十天。

补充内容 (2018-4-24 11:11):
4/23 成功收到approval notice,卡应该也在路上了。 之前已经schedule了hold request, 不知道为什么还会寄过来。最后竟然是在邮箱上贴自己的名字救了我。 此贴应该算终结了。
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