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The professor actually contradicts the statements that made in the passage. She is of the view that
To begin with, the text claims that , whereas the professor refutes it and argues that based on the fact that .
In addition, the assumption that involved in the reading material is doubted by the professor, who states that according to the evidence that .
Finally, contrary to the belief in the passage that ….. , the professor points out that …..
Thus it can be inferred that the professor challenges the passage by giving reasons as to why she asserts that .

The professor actually contradicts the statements that the decline of the population of Yellow Cedars should be attributed to beetle, brown bear or the change of climate.
To begin with, the text claims that insect parasite perhaps damaged the Yellow Cedars and caused their death, whereas the professor refutes it based on the fact that Yellow Cedars have a resistant ability to beetles. They has chemical substance which is poisonous to beetles. The Yellow Cedars which can be harm by beetles are originally dying.
In addition, the assumption that the damage of brown bears is the reason of massive death involved in the text is challenged by the professor, who states that brown bears does damage some Yellow Cedars but they are not responsible for the overall decline. He also provides the evidence that there is an island lack of brown bears but the number of Yellow Cedars on the island still declines.
Finally, contrary to the belief in the passage that change of climate leads to the postponement of root growth and results in the decline, the professor points out that if it that so, more Yellow Cedars of high elevation should die, however, the opposite is true.
Thus it can be inferred that the professor challenges the passage by giving evidence as to why he thinks that the three hypotheses in the passage are wrong.

The professor actually contradicts the statements that made in the passage. She is of the view that
First, the professor refutes the issue of based on the fact that .
The second point of difference between the lecture and the reading passage concerns . The professor asserts that .
In addition, the lecture revises the idea presented in the text that the .
Finally, although the professor acknowledges that , she points out that .
Thus it can be inferred that the professor challenges the passage by giving reasons as to why she thinks that .
The professor actually contradicts the statements made in the passage. She is of the view that Rembrandt indeed is the painter of “the portrait of an elderly woman in a white bonnet”.
First, the professor refutes the issue of the inconsistency between the white linen cap usually wore by servant and the expensive fur collar in the painting. She points out the fact that the fur collar wasn’t of the original painting but added 100 years after the painting completed in order to increase the value of the painting.
Secondly, the lecture revises the idea presented in the text that the painting has an error about the light and shadow of the woman’s face. After removing the added fur collar, the light-colored cloth will illuminate the woman’s face. Thus the shadowless face just reflects the great skill on light and shadow of Rembrandt.
Finally, the lecturer argues that the wood panel was enlarged with extra wood pieces when the fur collar was added to make it grander and more valuable. In addition, the professor states that the wood panel of the original painting is from the very same tree as the wood panel used for another painting by Rembrandt.
Thus it can be inferred that the professor challenges the passage by giving reasons as to why she thinks that the painting is a work of Rembrandt.
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