MISM Global 21-Month Track 怎么样呀

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1. 本校honours一年,相当于大四做一年research,还有thesis (目前排课可能有点问题,有点担心申不上)。
2. 本校研究生一年半,主修科目基本上都学过,而且需要你强制修英语课。(并不是很想在本校读研。。)
3. 三年本科申请CMU-A,楼主三维GPA3.54, GRE v153+q168+aw3.5,托福定了9月八号的考试

另外就是,这个track读完回国就业肯定没有问题,如果是去以后还想申请美国,会不会有duplicate degree的问题。还有就是CMUA这个21-mon项目好拿GPA么:

以后去美国的话,是不是可以申sjsu,scu之类的毕竟只是为了混工签:)这样回国也有CMU,去美国也能在申一个项目去。总共花费也就 3年bachelor+21mon track +以后什么时候想去美国。

另外,三年本科加上wes gpa3.54 够得到这个global program的bar么。。。有点虚

Degree Structure
The program requires 192 units: 126 units of core courses (including Information Systems Project) and 66 units of elective courses.

Full-time students complete the program over five study periods and you will commence your study in Adelaide in August. The program is not available part-time.

For successful completion, you must complete the requisite coursework and internship components and achieve a cumulative quality point average (QPA) of at least 3.0.

Core Courses
Code Course Units
95-703 Database Management 12
95-760 Decision Making Under Uncertainty 6
95-722 Digital Transformation 6
95-702 Distributed Systems 12
95-710 Economic Analysis 6
95-715 Financial Accounting 6
95-720 Information Systems Project 18
95-706 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 6
95-712 Object Oriented Programming in Java 12
94-700 Organisational Design And Implementation 6
95-716 Principles of Finance 6
94-702 Professional Writing 6
95-796 Statistics for IT Managers 6
94-718 Strategic Presentation Skills 6
95-705 Telecommunications Management 12
Elective Courses
Students in MISM Global program are required to take at least 66 units of elective courses. A number of courses offered by the MISM program and the Heinz College will satisfy this requirement. In addition, the School of Computer Science, and other Carnegie Mellon departments offer courses that may satisfy this requirement. Check with your advisor before registering for a course from another academic unit if you wish to have it serve as an elective.

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