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[/align][align="right"]Beijing Institute of Technology [/align][align="right"]Beijing, 100081 P.R.China[/align][align="right"]Telephone : 86-10-12345678 [/align][align="right"]Email:1point3acres.com [/align][align="right"](右上角为推荐人地址及各种联系方式。留下 [/align][align="right"]真实的联系方式无疑会使本推荐信不容置疑) [/align][align="left"]Department of Electronical and Computer Engineering [/align][align="left"]Carnegie Mellon University [/align][align="left"]Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 59118[/align][align="left"](U.S.A 所申请学校的地址, 这个斟酌着填 [/align][align="left"]12th March, 2001 (日期) [/align][align="left"]Dear Sir or Madam, ( 称呼:还可用Dear Admissions Officer, [/align][align="left"]To Whom this may concern, 以及Dear Colleagues 等) [/align][align="left"](正文:三封不同的推荐信请选用三种不同的字) [/align][align="left"]Mr. Dong Yuguang, one of my favorite students, has asked me to write a letter of reference in support of his application for admission to graduate study at your university. [/align][align="left"]I have been acquainted with Mr. Dong since 1998, when I worked in the National Lab of Mechatronic Engineering and Control. Not content with his achievements in coursework, Mr. Dong was eager to absorb much more knowledge than taught by doing some research works at that time. Encouraged by intense interest in Mechatronic Engineering, he hoped to join my research group whose research interest is computer vision and autonomous control. [/align][align="left"]Diligent, independent and intelligent, Mr. Dong exhibited exquisite analytical skill and original ideas in his research. He participated in a project to develop a Human Face Tracking System in real-time based on skin color, for which I was the chief leader. To do the job, he read many books about computer vision and took some courses in automatic control. In the project the most confused problem was how to control the camera to track human face more correctly and quickly. Through careful analysis, he put forward a novel model-based approach to predict the movements of human face, which made the tracking system work accurately in real-time. He paid all his efforts to this project and completed his research with such quality and style that the project won an award in the “Challenge Cup” National Science and Technology Competition of College Students. [/align][align="left"]Judging by his outstanding performance and great potential while he studied with me, I am convinced that Mr. Dong has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training. I recommend him most enthusiastically. Any assistance you could render to his application for admission and assistantship would be highly appreciated. If you need further information regarding this promising young student, please do not hesitate to contact me. [/align][align="left"]Sincerely yours, (敬语:还可用Yours faithfully) [/align][align="left"]Wang Huaning (此外用拼音打印出推荐人姓名。大小写及姓与名的排列应与亲笔签名绝对一致。) [/align][align="left"]Ph. D. [/align][align="left"]Professor, Dept. of Computer Science (最后署上推荐人头衔与职称 ) [/align][align="left"]Academician of China Academy of Sciences [/align][align="left"](空白处由推荐人亲笔签名,中文人名用拼音签,绝不能用中文。如需申请十所学校,须打印十份推荐信,上面应有十个亲笔签名,绝不能用复印件。)[/align]===============================================================================================================


2、刚才在地里刨了刨,据说可以把三封RL搞成不同的格式以便看起来像不同的人写的- -这个也求解答或者,我一封RL用这个格式,另外的用其他简单点的格式? 拜谢,求解答~
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