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ME: Good afternoon, Madam! I am here to apply for my F1 visa. Here is my passport and I20.
VO: OK hello~
VO: So……you are going to get your master's degree in both XXX university(我国内研究生在读,办了休学) and XXX university(国外的大学)?
ME: 解释一通我休学了,然后学校会为我保留学籍,我在国外读完研究生之后会回国读完这边的学位。我看她半天没反应一直在打字,还问了一句 am I clear?
VO: What major are you going to study?
ME: Electrical and Computer Engineering
VO: Who will support you in America? Do you have any scholarship?
ME: I do not have scholarship. My family will support my studies in America.
VO: What do your parents do?
ME: My mother is a ... My father is a ...
VO: Do you have a study plan?
ME: yes..(递给她,同时心里一凉这不会要check了吧)
VO: 很认真的看了半天 Why do you want to study in XXX university?
ME: It is one of the best universities...
VO: 礼貌的摇了摇头示意我停下,that is so broad
ME: The major ECE has excellent academic reputation...
VO: 又礼貌的摇了摇头,耐心的跟我说,i want you, as a student, do you have any specific reason to choose this university?
ME: (苍了天了真是)This program has very reasonable and flexbile courses, which is very attractive to me.
VO: (表现出一副我终于说对了的表情)So which courses? Can you give me some examples?
ME: such as Foundations of Software Engineering...
VO: software engineering? Are you interested in it?
ME: yes
VO: which software?
ME:(我真的有点懵,我想确认一下她是不是在问啥软件)which software?
VO: yes.
ME: emmm. For example, the mobile software developers could develop mobile applications that we will use in our daily life.(随口胡说的)
VO: so that is your interest?
ME: yes(我真的不知道她还有什么坑等着我,幸好没有)

VO: Don't worry. I am not trying to 拒掉你(大概吧没听清). I am just asking questions.
ME: I am just…a little bit nervous
VO: No no. Do not be nervous. You are doing so great. 同时给了我一个温暖无比的微笑

VO: so are you going to return to China?
ME: yes. I plan to return to China after I graduate.

VO: OK!祝你在XXX university一切顺利~You are approved~


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