

We have openings in the lab, and your background looks like a strong fit to the needs of the lab. XXX and XXX are exactly the targets that we plan to be focusing on. I am also quite excited that you are working on demos, as I really like doing them as well: I had the best demo award at XXX a while back, and my postdoc XXX Lan had a best demo runner up at XXX this year. We want to build on this strong track record to reach even greater heights. If this is what you like to do, you will fit right in with the lab.
I think there is a good fit to the needs of my lab, as well as possibly to joint needs of several labs. You would be a strong candidate, in either ECE or CS department.
Let me know if you would like to chat over Skype before applying. Would be happy to answer your questions at this time. Or we could also talk after you apply -- either way works for me. Let me know what is best for you.