First Reject

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突然感觉前途一片渺茫啊 rpi把我拒了,不知道哪出问题了……有人告诉我么

I am sorry that we will be unable to offer admission to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. We receive many applications for study in our graduate programs, so the competition for these slots is very intense.

As you know, graduate entrance is heavily dependent on the match between the focus of faculty research and student interest and background. Rensselaer has chosen foci in areas as diverse as biotechnology, information technology, and interdisciplinary programs at the intersection of science and humanities, among others. Students admitted to study in our programs often have diverse backgrounds, but always share a solid foundation and interest in technology and its applications.

I wish you the very best as you pursue your educational goals. If you should have any questions regarding this, please contact the department, to which you applied, directly. You can find their contact information on our website at
