19FALL ECE CV终稿求建议 (附文书网站推荐

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顺便说一下这次申请用的修改文书的网站:fiverr,在另一个帖子里看到的,就去试了试(搜personal statement),感觉真的不错。首先是比较便宜,用别人推荐的链接点进去注册,首单能打八折,改了两次ps,第一次四十多刀,第二次七十刀左右(办了加急),对我的初稿真的是大刀阔斧地改,改完之后读起来很舒服。找的第二个人还能根据内容提建议,这是他的回复:
Thanks for your order! I'm attaching two documents. The one labeled 'Edits' shows all of my edits and comments, and the one labeled 'Edits accepted' has all of the changes made plus comments.
The 'meat' of your essay is in good shape -- you do a great job of explaining your experiences and what you learned from them. I think the primary things that need to be added are a sense of your enthusiasm/ intellectual curiosity in the opening and an explanation of how you will benefit from the program in the conclusion.
I made a ton of comments with suggestions and questions to help you do this. If you add your responses, I can help you perfect them.
Please let me know what questions you have. If you want me to look at what you add, please message me your document -- don't request a revision because it penalizes me as a seller. But I am very happy to take another look.
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