1st AD@USC general

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[align="left"]收到Email说需要到you.usc.edu查看录取状态: [/align][align="left"]A status update regarding your application to graduate studies at USC is now available. You may view this message by logging in to youSC at you.usc.edu and clicking on Decision Status.[/align][align="left"]If you are logging in to youSC for the first time, click on Create a New Account or Register and enter the e-mail address used on your application. A temporary password will be e-mailed to the address provided. If you have any questions about logging in to youSC, please refer to our you.usc.edu.[/align][align="left"]If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us gradadm.usc.edu.[/align][align="left"]Sincerely,[/align]Office of Graduate Admission
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0915
Contact: Click gradadm.usc.edu
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