12/14 ottawa check至今01/15终于 clear


1. Yatri: U.S. DoS Visa system follow up action required
[align="left"]Consular Section Comments:[/align][align="left"]The administrative processing on your application is now complete, and we are ready to process your visa. Please follow the instructions on attached authorization mailing slip to send in your passport so we can finish processing your case. You MUST be physically present in Canada in order to mail your passport to us. **Please note if we do not receive your passport within 120 days after the initial clearance your case will have to go back into additional processing which will delay you receiving your visa.[/align][align="left"]Please log into your user account at email.usvisa-info.com and follow the system instructions.[/align][align="left"]Best regards,[/align]
[align="left"]2. Yatri: U.S. DoS Visa system additional documents required notice[/align][align="left"]Processor comments
The administrative processing on your application is now complete, and we are ready to process your visa. Please follow the instructions on attached authorization mailing slip to send in your passport so we can finish processing your case. You MUST be physically present in Canada in order to mail your passport to us. **Please note if we do not receive your passport within 120 days after the initial clearance your case will have to go back into additional processing which will delay you receiving your visa.
[/align][align="left"]Best regards,[/align][align="left"]The CSRA Visa Appointment and Information Service Team[/align]
[align="left"]貌似说了不能在国内寄护照回加拿大贴签,看来只能再飞回去一趟了。。。[/align][align="left"]但刚刚查了ceac的状态仍然只显示有14-Dec 2018的case last updated.[/align][align="left"]Anyway, 虽然苦苦在加拿大等check一个月一落地国内就clear的节点确实有点咳咳,但至少是clear了,跟大家汇报一下,好让大家对是否决定来加拿大续签以及万一被check了之后怎么规划有个参考。[/align][align="left"]祝大家都好运啊,还没clear的再耐心等等,bless!!![/align][align="left"]