Brock MBA(ISP) KIRA面试题目

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这是加拿大Brock U热乎乎的面筋~时间线:大概1月初完成申请——1.11日收到KIRA面试邀请
这是我申请季收到的第一个面试啊啊啊= =老激动了
面试前我也搜了几篇面筋,感觉Brock的问题点比较固定。比如面筋里问why pursue MBA at Brock? 我的问题变成what attracts you to study at Goodman? 万变不离其宗嘛,回答都是可以套用的。但是写作部分。。我只写了不到100字吧我已经尽力了。

Q1: What attracts you to study at Goodman instead of other Canadian institution? What resources will you take advantage of here?

Q2: Tell me about your undergraduate studies. What did you find the most challenging during that time?

Q3: There are always challenges when studying abroad and integrating into a new culture and language. What strategy are you currently using to improve your English language proficiency?

Q4:What future careers or fields attract you the most? Why?

Q5: Graduate programs at Goodman require a substantial amount of group work. Tell me about a time when you were working with a group that wasn't functioning well together. What did you do, and what was the outcome?

Q6: Tell me about a time when you studied or worked with someone from a different country. What did you learn through these interactions?

Q7: How do you manage stress?

Q8: How do you think companies can maintain their reputation given the power of social media?

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