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UMass Amherst Graduate School Status Description

Conditional Admit

You have been admitted to the Graduate School provided that you fulfill one or more conditions prior to your enrollment. These conditions will be specified on your admission letter. Typically, for a second semester senior, the condition is the completion of a baccalaureate degree and submission of a final transcript to the Graduate Admissions Office. In a few days, you will receive login credentials to our SPIRE student information system. When you do, please log into SPIRE and let us know if you plan to attend this program or not. If you do not receive this login information in the next 10 days, please contact our office at 1point3acres.com or by phone at (413) 545-0722.

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伸了2个Phd 10个MS 1个ME ,UMASS真心早。 这里水人一个,没发过文章和专利。估计是因为实习经历对口, 申的教授也是专门做天线方向的。给大家一些参考吧。
