CMU MISM Kira 面试问题

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想先和大家分享一个我面试的tips,也是我昨天在准备的时候发现的,我一直超级害怕video essay和kira,是口语渣渣,昨天准备的时候发现当我的语速慢下来,语气平静的时候,不仅会显得沉着自信,而且表达也比之前顺畅了不少;相反,我之前面试的状态就是语速快,容易卡壳,显得我比较焦虑没有自信,而且也缺少时间思考。
1. The steps you have taken to prepare for your graduate study, both academically and professionally.

2. 在Heinz你可能遇到很多需要 multitask的情况,举一个你自己handle multitask的situation
3. Describe a situation when you identify a factor that contribute to a problem

  1. What aspects of Heinz College interest you?这个项目与其他项目有什么不同?
  2. In team environments, we often have difficulties with other team members.
[align="left"]Tell us when you've had difficulty with a team member because their perspective or approach may have been different than your own.[/align]
  1. Heinz你可能遇到很多需要 multitask的情况,举一个你自己handle multitasksituation
  2. What is the most innovative idea or solution that you have ever come up with?
  3. tell us about your first-paid job, what did you learn from it
  4. Describe your dream job/career.
  5. Why you choose this time for a graduate study?
  6. A situation when your ethics were challenged and how you handle it and put your honesty into test?
  7. Describe a situation when you identify a factor that contribute to a problem.
  8. Give an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College.
  9. Describe a time when you work in a team.
  10. Describe an accomplishment that you achieved outside your workplace and academics, and the steps you took to achieve it.
  11. A time you built motivation in your team or your peers
  12. Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement.
  13. If you could have meal with any two people, past or present, who will be and why
  14. tell us a time that you have to make an important decision quickly.
  15. 你看学生对老师出言不逊 你怎么办
  16. Describe the most important accomplishment
  17. why do you like heinz college
  18. 你为什么对于你想要申请项目相关的industry感兴趣?
  19. Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit thecommunity when you study at CMU Heinz?
  20. 如果不考虑任何因素,给你一天时间,你会怎么度过这一天
  21. 描述一个要权衡很多优缺点的情况
  22. Tell us what's interesting about yourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.

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