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独立写作 机经练习列提纲[小马机经 顺便分享了】

2013-1-12 11:48:37
Q1 2010.9.24 NA
大学应该提供学生更好的job preparation before they start working

1 tough completing, preparation and do better
2 higher salaries better prepared for completing/hunting job(1)
3 better fit when first start working [gain work skill ]
2+1: comprehensive qualities are important as well.

1 u & col. Shall teach student comprehensive qualities, knowledge, not preparation for job. Ability and knowledge is the point.
2 seeking a job is always problem for most fresh graduate , (反面)

1 can benefit students
Gain more practical working skills
Win more advantage in job-hunting
2 can benefit school
Increase the employment rate
Improve the ranking ,thus boost school's reputation and attract better students
3 can benefit the society
Provide more qualified workers with both need skills and mental readiness
Improve the productivity of the society
4 benefit employers
Save time and money on training for new workers
Enhance the efficiency and the productivity of the company ?!!!
The col. And univ. should be focused on:
1 science, art
2 establishing grounds for the life-long learning concept and promoting students' attitude, skills, learning styles and habits
3 job skills and techniques can only be obtained in working field, not in univ. & col.

[align="left"]Nowadays, job competition, especially foryounger generation -- the fresh graduate is more and more intense. Thus, somepeople argue that university should provide student better job preparationbefore they graduate and start working.[/align]
[align="left"]I hold the belief that it is splendid to getstudents prepared before they step out of schools.[/align][align="left"]First of all, students can gain workexperience during such preparation training. Schools offer to give classes tostudents and chance to intern in firms. Kai Fu Lee said, "Every companieswant they fresh graduate applicants have internship experience." During theinternship, students may gain numerous experiences about how to be excellent employees. It will make thestudents better fit when they graduate and start working full time at corporations.[/align][align="left"]Moreover, having interned and been trained,students can obtain confidence when facing job hunting after they graduate. Theywill feel less pressured, which help they performance better when interview andworking in turn. Students can learn how to communicate with different peopleand acting as a team during the internship. It will teach students theimportance of communication, cohesion and teamwork.[/align][align="left"]Furthermore, preparation for jobs helpthese highly educated youths be fit for the society better. The nation, and theworld, needs qualified workers with both needed skills and mental readiness. Itwill improve the productivity of the society.[/align][align="left"]Besides, employers benefit for this aswell. They can save time and money on training for new workers. They will beglad to hire the graduates with ability , knowledge and working skills.Productivity of companies will be enhanced remarkably. Thus, companies pay moretaxes for the government, benefiting the society.[/align][align="left"]Preparation for occupation before studentsstart working is necessary. Students can gain work experience and learn to howto use their knowledge. Besides, it makes students more confident and cohesive.In addition, the society and employers benefit strikingly.[/align]