CPT/OPT 申请求助 [加大大大米]

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IMHO, a CPT will be very hard to justify at this point.

1. The CPT (Curricular Practical Training) is for a student to work at an industry, where the work is used for thesis research. It is not meant for a non-citizen to just find a temporary way to enter into the workforce.
2. You are not doing a thesis — which makes it impossible to justify the “curricular” nature of the internship
3. It is also your last semester — that is, even if you gave a reason why this internship is important to your education/curriculum, it is hard to justify a “curricular” addition (in the form of an internship) at this point.


但是Intern 要求尽快开始,但是申请OPT的话就只能5月份才开始了,可能实习药丸

