两年前的TOEFL免费送分记录到2013 fall申请时居然还在

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[align="left"]本人海硕一枚,2010年的秋的时候考了TOEFL,但是出分比较晚而且成绩不是很好(那年10G出了一个GRE重考事件,不知大家还记不记得,和我的TOEFL准备正好冲突,所以准备也不是很充分)。免费送分的时候就随便填了四个学校,其中就有UIUC。但是当时我并没有申请UIUC2011 fall的任何Program[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]但是到了今年,我即将MS毕业,申请了PhD的时候,这个分居然还在系统里。本来我以为在美国能拿到MS学位就可以waive TOEFL了,所以填申请表的时候就空着了TOEFL成绩。但是最近再跟教授陶瓷的时候,被告知TOEFL分太低(尤其是Speaking,我当时只考了19),招生委员会可能都不会考虑我的申请……悲剧!话说我这种情况是不是基本没救了……[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]给小米发了邮件,回复如下:[/align][align="left"]Your TOEFL scores appear in our universityBanner system because you had ETS report it in 2010. That record is not removedfrom our university database. When youapply, we automatically pull test scores from our university Banner system intoour database. That is why they appear inyour application and I cannot remove them regardless of the year it wastaken. It is true that you would alsoqualify for a TOEFL waiver based on your education at United State. However, when applying to our PhD program, werequire applicants to provide a speak score which can be taken from the TOEFLIBT or IELTS exam. This is needed todetermine your eligibility for financial assistance regardless of your TOEFLwaiver as posted on our website. Sincethe only TOEFL exam recorded for you is from 2010, that is the only speak scoreavailable to our admission’s committee to determine eligibility. In the State of Illinois you need to have a passing speakscore to hold a TA position. Other formsof assistance may be awarded, but are limited to available funds.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]其实我也料想到可能申请PhD会有TOEFL的要求,本以为录取后在考也可以。但是还是没预料到这可能会影响到我的录取结果。早知如此我重新考一个都来得及。也怪自己大意,像这种竞争激烈的学校,有那么多背景不错又可以直接当TA的候选人,干嘛非要选我呢……[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]也顺便提醒以前申请过的同志们引起注意,尤其是以前申过,隔几年再申的,和曾经免费送过TOEFL分的学校,如果成绩不太好,最好还是重考一个,盖掉上次的,免得他们把你以前的分再拿出来。[/align][align="left"]