刚收到 fb datascientist analytics 的online interview 邮件

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之前只有staffing company 来找我,慢慢的有fulltime position了,然后阴差阳错有个学长内推了我,然后简历竟然过了,填了一堆基本信息之后竟然到了笔试环节了!!!



发个他们给我发的mock interview 题把,等面试之后会在更新或者开帖



[align="left"]Mock Data and Questions:
This example doesn't pertain to Facebook but is representative of the data and questions you may see:

An attendance log for every student in a school district
attendance_events : date | student_id | attendance
A summary table with demographics for each student in the district
all_students : student_id | school_id | grade_level | date_of_birth | hometown

Using this data, you could answer questions like the following:
  • What percent of students attend school on their birthday?
  • Which grade level had the largest drop in attendance between yesterday and today?
Core skills
Regardless of your language, you should be familiar with ALL of the following skills
  • Work with grouping and aggregate functions
  • Utilize different types of joins (left, inner, outer, etc.) including when and how to use a self-join
  • Append multiple data sources (union in SQL, concat in Pandas, bind_rows in R)
  • Filter data by multiple, complex conditions
  • De-duplication, sorting, handling missing/incomplete data
  • Assess efficiency. This will not be a primary focus, but you may be asked to think of more efficient ideas or to explain why you are making certain efficiency/simplicity tradeoffs

有的东西要180+ 积分根本看不。。心痛
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