5th AD Duke ECE MS & 简略面经with Angus

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2.8号的面试with Angus; 面经跟大家说的都差不多就没有单独发
1. which program
2. introduce yourself
3. why duke
4. career aspiration____researcher

5. what is your plan after this program____PHD
6. will you apply for the PHD in Duke after graduate____yes
7. tell me more about you exchange program
8. any questions for me
Do I need a driver license in Duke?___well that is a question a lot of students ask. As far as I know, most students live in campus or near campus, so no, you do not need one to study in Duke. But if you are willing to travel, maybe it is a good idea to have one.
Is there a fast track for master students who are willing to pursue a phd in Duke?___We expect students to finish the master program because they have applied for that.

个人想法:觉得自己问的两个问题不是太合适;第一个我是看地里面经觉得这个问题无害就问了,但是我估计Angus觉得有点奇怪这么多人问这个,可能是之前的面经还是对大家有导向作用,我个人觉得以后问这个要慎重,但也不是说这个问题有什么问题,只是我觉得a lot of students ask这个回答让我有点觉得不太妙;第二个我问的可能比较冒险吧,他会不会觉得我compete这个项目的决心不够?给大家提供一点思考吧。祝大家offer多多!

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