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申请加州大学欧文分校的phd,套的导师,前面交流挺好,来往超过20封邮件,面试表现也不错,当时问录取几率,他说不敢保证100%但至少80-90%,后面的邮件也多次告诉我录取几率very high。


I had a chat with the members of the admission committee and as I told you the probability of you being admitted is quite high. The problem that was raised is your score in one of the components of the TOFEL. I am talking about the Spoken Assay. For TAing at UCI (critical for getting financial sufficiency the first year), you need a minimum score of 26 . You got 19.

The conclusion of my conversation with them is that you have to prepare again the TOFEL, making special emphasis in the Spoken Assay in order to reach the 26 points. In that case, I do not see any further problem for you to be admitted.

Do not rush and prepare the exam carefully. In addition to consolidating your listening skills (watch original version films, listen to BBC radio, and similar -bbc.co.uk) try to get into conversational classes and speak with American/British citizens in your area.

So you are very, very close. Just one final requirement and that’s all.