请问有谁收到NEU (Northeastern University) 的EE Phd的offer、ad或rej?

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今天收到Northeastern 工学院的一封信,大意是,竞争很激烈,工学院已经决定了100多个offer,接下来,如果有学生锯了offer,会每周更新,发给新的学生。如果到了五月初还没有收到offer或者ad通知,基本上就没戏了。

不知这个邮件是通发的,还是意味着在waiting list上?想问一问大家,有谁收到他家EE Phd的offer、ad或拒信了吗?在网申系统里,我的状态还是under review。

this year so far we received well over 1,000 doctoral applications from highly qualified candidates like you. Admissions is competitive at Northeastern with fewer than 1 in 10 applicants gaining acceptance with a funding offer. Next, gaining acceptance and receiving a funding award (e.g. assistantship, fellowship) are related processes. Please trust that you are automatically being considered for funding, and if such an offer is to be made, you will be notified. Next, note that well over 100 funding offers have already been made, and new offers are being made each week in this timeframe. If these offers are declined, then the offers will go to other qualified candidates. This process of finalizing new offers and recycling declined offers can take time. Generally if you do not hear from us about a funding offer by early May timeframe, then you should assume that the chances of receiving such an offer (and official acceptance) is very low.