OPT失业期边缘入职,求助挂靠 or ICC。

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求职路上的一路艰辛就不表了,最后有幸上岸亚麻。但是目前HR给我说的最早入职日期是 5月6号。 然而我OPT 2月12号就开始了。 5月6号入职 基本等于踩线。于是咨询了学校国际生办公室关于在教授实验室做volunteer的问题。得到的答复如下.

What about volunteering or self-employment?
Yes, volunteering or self-employment does count as “employed” if you meet certain criteria. The following guidelines must be met: The volunteer work must still be directly related to the degree program(s) on which the OPT is based and you must be putting in at least 20 hours/week.. While the OPT regulations state that volunteer work or unpaid internships can count as “employment,” many situations will not qualify. You need to be careful that the volunteer position is “truly” volunteer; in other words, people are never paid for doing that work. You cannot “volunteer” in a position that would normally be paid, such as “volunteering” to work in a lab because they don’t have funds to pay you. Doing so would violate both immigration and labor laws. Examples of volunteer work that may qualify for OPT would be a social work major volunteering on a crisis hotline, or a computer science major volunteering to set up a website for a nonprofit food bank, or an accounting major who volunteers during tax season – i.e. the volunteer works relates to the degree program and no one else doing the same work is paid. It is the same issue with “unpaid internships.” Very few true internships exist outside of the student context, i.e. after graduation (journalism might be an example where newspapers or magazines often have formal internships for non-students). ISSS recommends you ensure the position is a true internship and keep documentation to prove it. For example, can you document the history of the internship, that it has been advertised as such, that it has existed for a certain period of time, and what the application process is? Or is it being created just to help an F-1 on OPT avoid accruing days of unemployment? Finally, such work must meet all other OPT criteria, i.e. must be related to your area of study, at least 20 hours/week, and can be started only after OPT has been approved. Please note the ISSS will not make a determination about whether a volunteer position or an unpaid internship “qualifies” as employment for OPT. Based on our description, as well as our Volunteering page, this is a determination you and your employer will have to make.

简单来说就是,在教授实验室做volunteer应该是违法的,因为那个position不算真正的volunteer。之前还准备找这种挂靠以为比较稳,但是发现好像不行。有没有有经验的大佬给指条路。现在立刻去找个ICC 签合同入职,到5月然后毁约要付违约金吗。或者有没有介绍真的volunteer或者unpaid intern的大佬。求推荐 不胜感激,邮箱 1point3acres.com
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