first ad~from UMASS

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今早刚刷出的informal admission letter~~前面2个rej,{:7_194:},终于收到了第一个ad了~~哭的撸主内牛满面,急忙打电话给家里和远在大洋彼岸的gf{:7_159:},有学可上,与gf团聚指日可待{:7_201:}。
Good Afternoon,

I am pleased to inform you that the Department of Computer Science has recommended accepting you for admission to our Master of Science graduate program for the Fall 2013 semester. A formal acceptance from the University Graduate School is being processed, and you should be hearing from them shortly.

You will also be receiving your formal acceptance letter from the Department in the mail.

Admission to our program is highly selective. The Computer Science Department is a national leader in research and education. Our graduate program offers unique opportunities to graduate students in a variety of areas. We hope you will decide to join us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email.


PS: grad school今天发信,申请系统状态变为admitted,正式录取信将会于4天内寄出~