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其实我发现我之前说的英文是很textbook (教科书的),虽然来了十年了没口音,但是觉对不像ABC说得怎么流利。然后我逼自己背一些英语idiom,发觉那样聊口语才更加地道。所以想回赠地里的伙伴们,发一下干货。下面的phrases可以让你跟本地人说英文说得更加流利,更加地道。对了,我学英文的时候觉得看例句才能真正了解,所以自己写了一些例句希望有帮助!如果喜欢这些类型的话,请加些大米和收藏一下,人气高的话我会保持active继续更新的!

1. the best of both worlds — 兩全其美

- 例句:Woah,you really have the best of both worlds!—a good professor recommendation and a great internship.

2. feel under the weather— 感觉身体不舒服
- 例句:Hey Tom, could you let Amy know I wouldn't be able to make it to the meeting today: I'm really feeling under the weather; I caught a terrible cold.

3. Two birds, one stone— (英文也有这个说法哟!)
- 例句:Don't worry about paying me back for the dinner. By taking you out today, I killed two birds with one stone— I got to see you and also thank you for helping me in the past.

4. To add insult to injury— 火上浇油
- 例句:I didn't land an internship at Google, and to add insult to the injury, I got rejected by grad school as well.

5. Break a leg— 加油,good luck (这个顶!比说good luck更加地道)
- 例句:Break a leg Chris, I'm sure the folks will love your presentation.

6. Go kill it —跟 5 一样
- 例句:Go kill it Chris, I'm sure the folks will love your presentation.

7. To hit the nail on the head— 说中要害
- 例句:“So you talked about how well your website works, but what about its scalability? Will it crash it 100 peope try to access it at a time?"

"Well, you hit the nail on the head— in fact that's a problem I've been trying to solve"

8. A dime a dozen— 多的是,随处可见
- 例句:You want fast and low-cost programmers who can get the job done? You get a dime a dozen if you look in India.

9. Couch potato— 沙发土豆(笑),懒散在家的人
- 例句:Don't be a couch potato, get your butt off the chair and go grab me a juice from the grocery store.

10. Off the hook— 脱身
- 例句:Thank god Bob has an urgent meeting today and leaves me off the hook. I left a critical bug in the feature implementation and now I have some time to fix it.

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