对于SEVIS过期以后能否使用未过期的F-1签证入境的问题(5-months rule)一些说法

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今天早上收到了CMU OIE的回复。关于SEVIS ID已经换了且在不同学校读书,能否在入境时使用原来的签证,姑且把能搜到的信息都贴出来。

1point3acres.com 中,说不需要重签的、说需要重签的各执一词。很多相关的帖子也是有人说需要重签有人说不需要。

1point3acres.com 中,楼主问了CBP,并在11垅跟进回复:

Thank you for contacting the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Information Center.

You may travel to the U.S. with your same valid F-1 visa along with your new I-20. If you obtain a new passport, you may travel with both the older passport with the valid visa inside along with the new valid passport as long as they both display the same country of citizenship.

Please reply to this email if you have other questions.

Thank you again for contacting our office.

NOTE: The answers provided in this forum are for general information purposes only. Utilizing this forum does not constitute reasonable care under the Informed Compliance guidelines.

The Information Center open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. We are closed on Federal holidays. Our toll free line within the United States is (877) 227-5511. International callers can reach us during our hours of operation by dialing 00+1+202-325-8000.

今天我收到了CMU OIE关于这个问题的回复:

I’m glad you reached out to OIE for an answer to this question rather than seeking advice from your friend.

The five month rule your friend is referencing refers to a situation when a student is returning to the same school after an absence of 5 months. This is not your situation and thus does not apply to you.

Since your SEVIS ID and school listed on the F-1 visa will be different, OIE recommends obtaining a new F-1 visa sticker. Ultimately the choice is up to you.


总的来说我自己比较赞成CMU OIE的说法:five-months rule适用于暂时休学且回到自己原来的地方,而不是开始新的学习。

补充内容 (2019-4-16 09:03):
以上不代表官方解释。Ultimately the choice is up to you.

补充内容 (2019-4-16 09:04):
如果有同学持旧F-1和新的I-20成功入境(或者经过secondary inspection),也希望现身说法哈
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其实导致confusing的主要原因是DHS在5-month rule的说法上变化过。

我之前在wayback machine上面看过DHS对5-month rule的解释网页的变化情况。在2017.1到2017.6之间,DHS把“need to apply for a new visa”变成了现在的“only if the visa is expired do you need to apply for a new visa”。其实DHS的解释比较含糊其辞,导致现在出现了多种说法。