新加坡南洋理工大学NTU招博士后-人工智能/IoT中安全隐私 (从2019年4月开始长时间有效)

新加坡南洋理工大学招博士后 (从2019年4月开始有效),研究方向是人工智能中安全/隐私问题、物联网中安全/隐私问题、或区块链,更具体信息如下。

Postdoctoral research fellow openings are immediately available (from April 2019) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, in the area of AI security/privacy, IoT security/privacy, or blockchains. The details are as follows.

详细中文版本: (Please scroll down for the English version)

招博士后,工作单位是新加坡南洋理工大学NTU计算机学院,指导老师是Assistant Professor Jun ZHAO (赵俊,介绍在下面),方向是以下之一:

1. 差分隐私加入到机器学习/深度学习/联邦学习中: Differential privacy with applications to deep learning, federated learning, or machine learning in general,

2. 本地化差分隐私: Local differential privacy,

3. 对抗机器学习(人工智能中安全问题): Adversarial machine learning and security in AI systems,

4. 区块链: Blockchains,

5. 其他人工智能中安全/隐私问题,物联网中安全/隐私问题: Other areas in AI security/privacy or IoT security/privacy.



新加坡手机号8648 3534 (在新加坡以外拨打需要加上新加坡国家区号65)



简要介绍:赵俊老师博士毕业于美国卡内基梅隆大学 PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA,博士期间所属实验室为CMU CyLab Security & Privacy Institute,博士导师为Virgil Gligor (Inductee of the USA National Cyber Security Hall of Fame) and Osman Yagan, 合作者为Adrian Perrig。博士后期间指导老师为Xiaokui Xiao, Junshan Zhang, Vincent Poor。本科毕业于上海交通大学,目前为新加坡南洋理工大学Assistant Professor。研究方向为人工智能/深度学习中安全/隐私问题,区块链,物联网中安全/隐私问题,社交网络中安全/隐私问题。

Detailed English version: (Please scroll above for the Chinese version)

Postdoctoral research fellow openings are immediately available (from April 2019) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. The postdoc will work with Assistant Professor Jun ZHAO (biography below) on one of the following topics:

1. Differential privacy with applications to deep learning, federated learning, or machine learning in general,

2. Local differential privacy,

3. Adversarial machine learning and security in AI systems,

4. Blockchains,

5. Other areas in AI security/privacy or IoT security/privacy.

Interested candidates can contact Assistant Professor Jun Zhao via email at,via WeChat by scanning the image below or visiting

via Skype at live:junzhaocmu, or by calling Singapore phone number +65 8648 3534 (the first two numbers 65 represent the area code of Singapore). Thanks.

Assistant Professor Jun Zhao’s homepage:

Biography: Jun Zhao received a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the USA (advisors: Virgil Gligor, Osman Yagan; collaborator: Adrian Perrig), affiliating with CMU CyLab Security & Privacy Institute, and a bachelor's degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. Before joining NTU first as a postdoc with Xiaokui Xiao and then as a faculty member, he was a postdoc at Arizona State University as an Arizona Computing PostDoc Best Practices Fellow (advisors: Junshan Zhang, Vincent Poor). He is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. His research interests include blockchains, security, and privacy with applications to deep learning, the Internet of Things, and social networks.

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